Government and other inquries

Klein, E., and Markham, F., Submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights, Inquiry into Compulsory Income Management (2024).

Wiyi Yani U Thangani and Klein, E, Submission to the Inquiry into economic self-determination and opportunities for First Nations Australians, Joint Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs (2024),

Klein, E., Submission to the Inquiry into the Social Security (Administration) (Enhanced Income Management Regime – State Referrals and Commonwealth Referrals and Exemptions) Determinations 2023, Standing Committee on Community Affairs References Committee (2024).

Klein, E. Ben Spies-Butcher, and Troy Henderson, “Going beyond inclusion”, Submission to the Community Affairs Legislation Committee: Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee Bill (2023)

Klein, E. “ParentsNext”, Submission to the House Select Committee on Workforce Australia Employment Service, (2023)

Klein, E. “Policy Induced Poverty”, Submission (by invitation) to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee, Inquiry into Poverty (2023)

Klein, E. “Submission to the Federal Government on the Care Economy”, Draft Care Economy Plan, Prime Minister and Cabinet (2023)

Klein, E. “The Cashless Debit Card”, Submission (by invitation) to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee, Social Security (Administration) Amendment (Repeal of Cashless Debit Card and Other Measures) Bill 2022

Klein, E. “Care and Work”, Senate Select Committee on Work and Care, (2022),

Klein, E. “Submission”, Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into Carer’s Leave (2022).

Klein, E “ParentsNext: examination of Social Security (Parenting payment participation requirements - class of persons) instrument 2021”, Submission (by invitation) to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights

Henderson, T., Spies-Butcher, B. and Klein, E. “Job Security”, Submission (by invitation), to the Senate Select Committee on Job Security (2021).

Klein, E., Cook, K, Maury, M & Bowey, K “Job security and COVID-19”, Submission (by invitation) to the Senate Select Committee on Job Security, (2021)

Altman, J., Klein, E. Markham, F. And Staines, Z. “Guiding Principles for a new livelihood and work program in remote Indigenous Australia”. Submission (by invitation), to the Senate Inquiry into the Remote Engagement Program Bill (2021).

Klein, E. “The Cashless Debit Card” Submission (by invitation) to the Federal Community Affairs Legislation Committee Inquiry into the Social Security (Administration) Transition (Income Management and Cashless Welfare) Bill 2019

Klein, E. “The Cashless Debit Card” Submission (by invitation) to the Federal Community Affairs Legislation Committee Inquiry into the Social Security (Administration) Amendment (Income Management and Cashless Welfare) Bill 2019.

Klein, E. “Why Still the Cashless Debit Card” Submission (by invitation) to the Federal Standing Committee on Community Affairs Inquiry into the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Cashless Debit Card Trial Expansion) Bill 2018.

Klein, E., “The Future of Work” expert evidence given (by invitation) to the Federal Senate Inquiry into the Future of Work and Workers (2018).

Klein, E., “The Cashless Debit Card” expert evidence given (by invitation) to the WA Coronial Inquest into the Deaths of Thirteen Children and Young Persons in the Kimberley Region, Western Australia (2017).

Klein, E., “The Cashless Debit Card” Submission (by invitation) to the Federal Senate Inquiry into the Cashless Debit Card (2017).

Klein, E., “The Community Development Program” Submission (by invitation) to the Federal Finance and Public Administration References Committee Inquiry into the appropriateness and effectiveness of the objectives, design, implementation and evaluation of the Community Development Program (CDP) (2017).

Klein, E., ‘Final report on norms and women’s economic empowerment’, UN Secretary General’s High Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment (2017),

Klein, E., ‘Toolkit on norms and women’s economic empowerment’, UN Secretary General’s High Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment (2017),

Klein, E.,“Social norms and women’s economic empowerment”, UN Secretary General High Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment background paper, 1-38 (2017),


Academic Publications